Canvas Photo Printing Services

Canvas prints
Printed in Ireland. Shipped the same day when ordered before 1pm. (more options available)

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The Main Benefits For Our Clients Ordering Canvas Photo Prints on

Available in 70 sizes Printed using the highest quality of State of the art Epson P9500 printers and Epson archival inks to Choose wrapped edges or a white border

High Quality Photo Canvas

Photo canvas

You made the right decision when you came to Printpoint to print photos on canvas. The first reason is the quality of our products — our canvas photo printing in Ireland is one of the best! We use heavyweight bright white canvas of the highest possible quality so your canvas prints will last.

Collage canvas print

The second reason is our canvas photo printing service - our wide selection of options. We would be pleased to make you a photo collage, a multi panel canvas, a panoramic print, a black and white one, and so on. Do you need a large personalised print? Or a really small one canvas? Our website meet all your expectations!

48 hours

The third reason is our speed — it will take no time to get canvas prints from photos - it usually takes up to 48 hours! If you are a resident of Cork, Dublin or any other city in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and the United Kingdom, you will also receive a special tracking number to follow the progress of your order.

Canvas thickness

canvas prints from photos

We offer two canvas thickness wrap around styles

1.8cm - Slim canvas is wrapped around a 1.8cm wooden frame.

3.8cm - Premium canvas gives your canvas a professional look

Wrap your canvas your way
White border canvas print

White Wrap

In this option a solid white color wrap is added as an edge/wrap to your Canvas

Image wrap canvas print

Image Wrap

Picture is stretched to cover the edges of the Canvas.

And one more reason to mention — our price policy. We take care of your budget, so our prices are not inflated. They are fair and, actually, lower than the prices of our competitors.

How to Choose Canvas Type & Size

  • To get the best quality canvas photo prints, carefully measure the size of your photo that you want to be printed on canvas
  • Measure an aspect ratio within a picture’s size. Any canvas follows a ratio like this — for instance, if the ratio is 1:1, this means that the printed picture will have a square shape, as all its sides will have the same length.
  • Use some strips of paper, or any other suitable “tools”, to outline the ratio over the picture you would like to print
  • Move the picture to see how it will look within the outline and to understand if this size will suit you. However, you won’t have to do this if your picture perfectly fits one of the canvas sizes we offer. Is it 18x24? Or 10x10? Or maybe 24x36? Great, then we have some exceptional offers for you!
  • If your picture is high-contrast and has strong colors, go for a matte type of canvas.
  • Gloss canvas photo prints are the way to go if a picture has muted colors.
Personalised canvas prints
Epson 9000

All canvases printed with Epson SureColor SC-P9500

Featuring an UltraChrome HDX ten-colour pigment ink-set, the SC-P9500 delivers 98% of Pantone®-certified1 colours to create superior-quality, highly-accurate results with bright, vivid colours for your canvas prints. For stunning Black&White canvas prints, an Advanced Black and White Mode helps produce high density, deep, rich blacks and ultra-smooth tones.

Thanks to a superior lightfastness, prints will continue to look their best long after they are created. Canvas varnish option available at the time you order online to protect your canvas and get a wide colour gamut and good water resistance.

Frequently asked questions

What is canvas made of? 

Canvas is a durable fabric produced with polyester or cotton. Cotton canvas prints are more long-lasting, while the polyester ones are usually brighter. For how long does the canvas last? Canvas photo prints have virtually a lifetime guarantee as they can last over 100 years. That’s a really durable present or decoration for your apartment

Is it essential to clean the canvas from time to time? 

Just like any other thing, a canvas may get covered by dust. If that happens, use a dry, soft cloth or a feather duster to clean it up. Dust should be the most serious problem, as a special protective coating keeps the printed picture safe from stains, scratches, and other unpleasant things.

How and where to hang a canvas print? 

Each canvas is equipped with a hanging hardware. It is already installed, so you won’t have to waste your time on this. You will only have to choose the place you want the canvas to hang, put a nail in the wall (if necessary), and that’s it. The only thing to keep in mind here is that it is not a good idea to hang a picture outside or, for instance, in a bathroom. Canvas prints are long-lasting, but direct sunlight, rain, snow, and high humidity can still harm them.

Are there any copyright restrictions on canvas photo printing? 

Sure, there are. You don’t have to worry about them if you are going to print your photos or artworks, but if the image is copyrighted, you must first get the permission from the copyright owner.