Shaped Canvas Prints

custom shape canvas
Printed in Ireland. Shipped the same day when ordered before 1pm. (more options available)

Unique moments shape us, so give those moments a unique shape

personalised shaped canvas

Your style isn’t square so why should your canvas be?

Whether you’re looking for a contemporary touch to your home decor or giving a gift of a special moment to someone close to you why not make it even more unique with a shaped canvas print.

Match the canvas to your style and space with 3 different shapes to choose from. Build a stunning photo wall you can keep adding to with our hexagonal canvas. Make that beautiful moment stand out with our heart canvas. And give a new perspective to your photos with our circular canvas.

No matter what the photo is or the space you want to decorate a shaped canvas fits in perfectly and truly lets you make it your own.

Turn any space into your space, your way

  • 3 shapes to choose from to fit any style
  • Printed on really canvas for beautiful art quality look and feel
  • Stretched on a warp resistant wooden frame
  • Full colour UV printing to ensure the highest image quality
  • Treated with protective varnish to ensure the life of the print
  • Measures 40 cm (15.75 inches) across